Composition Workshop


Lesson 33

March 11th, 2022

Lesson 33

Lecture notes:
  • The composition I made was constructed over the twelve-bar blues progression.
  • The key signature I put the song in was Eb major.
  • I wrote a lot of syncopation in the melody line and the accompanying harmonic licks.
  • The time signature of the piece is in 4/4 with a swing grove at 110 bpm.
  • The instruments that make up the piece are the piano, trombone (melodic line), trumpet, saxophone, tuba, upright bass, and set drum.
  • The process I used to compose the song was simply writing whatever I heard in my mind and building the structure of the music one bar at a time. Sometimes I jump from one instrument to the other due to hearing an idea I like in my mind that could either be for the melody or harmony. So I don't necessarily have a structured process of creating music. I can complete the end of the song first, the middle, or the beginning, depending on what I envision. It's literally off of whatever I feel and hear in my mind. However, if I'm in a jazzy mood, I'll do something with a jazzy aesthetic. If I feel a bit of reggae, I'll write something with a reggae feel. So the possibilities are limitless regarding where my interpretation or ideas come from. I go about creating the drum beats by simply tapping a beat along with the music that I think sounds interesting and just adding it to the music. It's all simply up to your imagination. Just remember to have fun while you're writing your next big hit!

The photos above are the score for the composition I wrote.

The video above is the midi recording of the composition.

The photo above is the trombone part that I extracted from the score I will play for you.

This is me playing the music from the photo above the video.


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