Jury Piece Analysis


Lesson 27

November 23th, 2021

Lesson 27

The photos above are the music for my jury piece entitled Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. You can see where I made numerous markings on the music indicating where motives are located, along with cadences and other general information on the piece.

The video above is me playing the music from the score above the video.

  • Motives: One of the important things I highlighted in my piece was the motives littered throughout the song, both in the lead melody and the accompaniment piano part. The prevalent motive that stood in the music was the transposing motive. However, the song featured all five commonly used motives, including the transposing motive mentioned prior, inverted, extended, truncated, and fragmented.
  • Cadences: Another important thing I highlighted in my piece was the various cadences scattered throughout the music. There were half cadences (HC), imperfect authentic cadences (IAC), and a perfect authentic cadence (PAC).
  • Phrases: There were a good many phrases spread throughout the piece as well. Periods consisted of antecedents and consequences, and some were also symmetrical and asymmetrical. 
  • Mood: The mood of this piece is graceful and smooth. You can see where the melodic line mostly is stepwise, and the phrasing over the sequential eighth notes tells the performer to play the various phrases smoothly and legato. 


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