Diatonic Modes

Lesson 5

September 28th, 2020

Lesson 5

Lecture notes:
  • There are seven traditional diatonic modes.
  • The mode that makes up the major scale is the Ionian mode, the first degree of a given scale. 
  • The mode that makes up the natural minor scale is the Aeolian mode, the sixth degree of a given scale.
  • The modes consist of seven types, including the Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and the Locrian mode, and in that exact order from first to seventh.
  • The two modes that sound almost identical are the Ionian mode and the Lydian mode. The only difference is that the fourth degree in the Lydian mode is raised.
  • Jazz is highly famous for the use and implementation of modes.
  • The names given to modes are Greek.

The above photo shows the modes and the types of sound qualities/moods they make.

The photo above shows the Lydian mode in C major ascending and descending two octaves with the raised fourth degree.

The video above illustrates what modes are and explains how to create and identify them.

The above video "Thriller" from Michael Jackson is almost entirely in Dorian mode.

The photo above shows the modes for B flat major that I will play for you.

This is a video of me playing the 7 modes, including the related arpeggios in B flat major.


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