Simple and Compound Meters

Lesson 2

September 7th, 2020

Lesson 2

Lecture notes:
  • There are two principal meter types: simple and compound. 
  • Simple meters have beats that divide into two. and compound meters have notes that divide into three
  • A meter signature or (time signature) at the beginning of a score establishes the meter type and beat unit.
  • Time signatures are written with two numbers. One number is placed above the other.
  • A triplet in music is a rhythm playing three notes in the space of two.

These are some examples of simple meters you would find in music.

These are some examples of compound meters you would find in music.

This is an example of triplets in the meter signature of 4/4 time.

This video illustrates simple meters and also a brief introduction to conducting patterns.

The video above illustrates how a triplet is counted in the time of 4/4 using various beats.

The above song is a musical excerpt from Mary Had A Little Lamb.

This is me playing Mary Had A Little Lamb in 16th note subdivisions.

This is me playing Mary Had A Little Lamb as written.


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