Introduction to Pitch Class

Lesson 1

September 1st, 2020

Lesson 1

Lecture notes:
  • There are three standard accidentals in music, inclusive of sharp, flat, and natural.
  • Enharmonic equivalents are two notes with the same pitch but different names. (C# - Db)
  • The distance between any two notes is called an interval.
  • The C clef is movable. The point at where the curves join is middle C or C4.
  • Ledger lines are used to write in notes above or below a given staff.

These are the three commonly used accidents you would find in music. From left to right in the image above would be sharp, natural, and flat.

The image above is an example of ledger lines ascending above and descending below the treble clef.

The image above shows the C clef, which has middle C or C4 running through the joined.

The video above is great for showing and explaining enharmonic equivalents.

Here's me playing the chromatic scale ascending and descending one octave beginning on B flat on the Trombone.


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