
Showing posts from October, 2020


Lesson 7 October 27th, 2020 Lesson 7 Lecture notes: A triad is a set of three notes stacked in threes consisting of the Tonic ( 1 ), Mediant ( 3 ), and Dominant ( 5 ) There are four main qualities in triads : Major , minor , Augmented ( + ), and diminished ( o ). When numbering chords in music, you would use Roman numerals with upper case numbers being Major and lower case numbers being minor or diminished . For example ( I ) = M ajor , ( i ) = minor / diminished . The Roman numerals used in music are: 1 = I or i , 2 = II or ii , 3 = III or iii , 4 = IV or iv , 5 = V or v 6 = VI or vi , and 7 = VII or vii In diatonic major scales , chord ( I ) Major , chord ( ii ) minor , chord ( iii ) minor , chord ( IV ) Major , chord ( V ) Major , chord ( vi ) minor , and chord ( vii ) diminished . In a harmonic minor scale , chord ( i ) minor , chord   ( ii ) diminished , chord   ( III ) Major , chord   ( iv ) minor , chord   ( V ) M ajor , chord   ( VI ) Major , c


Lesson 6 October 19th, 2020 Lesson 6 Lecture notes: An interval indicates how much space there is musically between two separate note pitches . When naming an interval , you should always count the first and last letter names . If two notes share the same pitch with no distance between them , it would be unison . Melodic intervals are two note pitches moving in a successive pattern in a melodic line . Harmonic intervals are when two separate note pitches are played simultaneously at the same time . Musical quality can be described in five categories : perfect , major , minor , augmented , and diminished . Simple intervals are pitches smaller than an octave . Compound intervals are pitches   larger than an octave . To find compound intervals , simply add 7 to a simple interval . For example, a compound second would also be called a major ninth . Therefore, a major second plus 7 would give you a major ninth . The image above shows simple intervals in C major fro

Diatonic Modes

Lesson 5 September 28th, 2020 Lesson 5 Lecture notes: There are seven traditional diatonic modes . The mode that makes up the major scale is the Ionian mode , the  first degree of a given scale.  The mode that makes up the natural minor scale is the Aeolian mode , the  sixth degree of a given scale. The modes consist of seven types , including the Ionian , Dorian , Phrygian , Lydian , Mixolydian , Aeolian , and the Locrian mode , and in that  exact order from first to seventh . The two modes that sound almost identical are the Ionian mode and the Lydian mode . The only difference is that the fourth degree in the Lydian mod e is raised . Jazz is highly famous for the use and implementation of modes . The names given to modes are Greek .   The above photo shows the modes and the types of sound qualities/moods they make. The photo above shows the Lydian mode in C major ascending and descending two octaves with the raised fourth degree. The video above illustrates wha