Lesson 7 October 27th, 2020 Lesson 7 Lecture notes: A triad is a set of three notes stacked in threes consisting of the Tonic ( 1 ), Mediant ( 3 ), and Dominant ( 5 ) There are four main qualities in triads : Major , minor , Augmented ( + ), and diminished ( o ). When numbering chords in music, you would use Roman numerals with upper case numbers being Major and lower case numbers being minor or diminished . For example ( I ) = M ajor , ( i ) = minor / diminished . The Roman numerals used in music are: 1 = I or i , 2 = II or ii , 3 = III or iii , 4 = IV or iv , 5 = V or v 6 = VI or vi , and 7 = VII or vii In diatonic major scales , chord ( I ) Major , chord ( ii ) minor , chord ( iii ) minor , chord ( IV ) Major , chord ( V ) Major , chord ( vi ) minor , and chord ( vii ) diminished . In a harmonic minor scale , chord ( i ) minor , chord ( ii ) diminished , chord ( III ) Major , chord ( iv ) minor , chord ( V ) M ajor , chord...