Leading Tone Chords
Lesson 21 September 24th, 2021 Lesson 21 Lecture notes: The 7th chord leading tones include the viio triad , viio6 triad ( first inversion ), viiø7 chord , and viio7 chord . ( o = diminished , ø = half-diminished ) The 7th-degree chords mentioned above are dominant-function chords built on top of the leading tone in the respective key you are in. The 7th chords are weaker in their harmonic function and serve as substitutes for the V and V7 chords . The 5th chord and 7th chords share the 7th , 2nd , and 4th degrees of the respective scale that they belong to. For example, in C major , the 5th degree is G , and the notes for that chord are G, B , D , F . The 7th degree is B , and the notes for that chord are B , D , F , A. Leading tone chords also expand the tonic area at the beginning or middle of a phrase, just like a V chord . The tendency tones shared by the V7 and viio6 resolve in a stepwise motion to the tonic . The 7th resolves up to 1 , the 2n...